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Learning methodologies for face-2-face and online learning
23. veljače 2021.
Predavač: Dr. Ron Mendez-Morrain



Prateće materijale možete preuzeti ovdje: Teamwork-Mind-Map i Researching-a-Company.

Ovaj je video napravljen u svrhu obrazovanja i namijenjen je učiteljima i nastavnicima za njihovu dodatnu edukaciju te je fokus isključivo na metodama učenja primijenjenim u praksi.

Learning with TBL and PBL


The COVID Crisis in 2020 has become a major game changer in language teaching. Finding effective methods to optimize the time spent online and face-2-face has caused many teachers and learners to focus on new ways to approach the learning experience. The learning dynamics, which evolve by using TBL and PBL for an online learning experience and face-2-face class, are motivating and rewarding for all stakeholders, and brings new life and meaning to the L2 learning experience.

Overview of Topics to be covered during the webinar:

• What is Task-Based Learning? (TBL)
• Setting up the TBL and PBL learning experience.
• Dos and Don’ts of TBL
• Integrating Technology into TBL and PBL (Student Tech Abilities)
• Learning and Motivation (Meaningful Learning)
• Skills Oriented Learning and TBL / PBL
• Creating Learning Materials for TBL Segments (Scaffolding)
• Effective applications of TBL and PBL (Corporate + Academic)
• Warm-up TBL / PBL Sessions
• Wrap-up Sessions: Using Presentation Skills in TBL and PBL 
• Feedback and Debriefing the TBL and PBL Online Experience
• Self-directed Learning, Performance Learning and other related Methodologies that make TBL and PBL effective for online and face-2-face learning.

Who should attend this webinar?

• EFL Teachers working with primary, secondary and high school students and who would like to improve their face-2-face and online teaching practice using TBL and PBL as an alternative to traditional instructional methods.
• Director of Studies of any language department or state school who are responsible for the development of EFL teaching-training staff.

What are the webinar objectives?

Participants will be able to:

• create and conduct an effective TBL / PBL learning experience for learners.
• implement a TBL 8 PBL learning segment that creates meaning and value for the learners
• use practice materials (Mind Maps) effectively in a skills-oriented online Learnscape.
• motivate and engage learners with “interactive” learning cycles
• measure learning results and knowledge transfer. (Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment)

Ron Morrain has worked in the area of adult education and personnel development for more than 25 years internationally and is a regular guest speaker and presenter at international Teacher Conferences worldwide.

He is currently employed at the University-Duisburg-Essen (Germany) and is responsible for planning, assessment, and implementation of staff training. He is also employed as Educational Consultant and Instructional Coach for Syntax Solutions (The Netherlands).